Legal informations

Company reason: Labyrinth Paris
Legal form: Simplified joint -stock company
Share capital: 30,000 €
RCS de Paris: 838 318 582
Intra -community VAT number: FR 92 838 318 582
Headquarters: 231, rue Saint -Honoré - 75001 (Paris) France
Director of publication: Christine Wang

Website Hosting

Host name: Shopify
Host address: Shopify Inc., 151 rue O’Connor (ground floor), Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada
Telephone: +1-613-241-2828

Intellectual Property

We inform you that any total or partial reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, of this site, of the logos, images that can appear there is prohibited without the express authorization of LABYRINTHE Paris and would constitute a counterfeiting sanctioned by articles L 335-2 and following of the intellectual property code.